As of this morning with Sahli having rotavirus like symptoms on top of congestion a cough, damn. Five unlucky or nameless days with the unusual co-occurrence of the XUX EK happening on Wednesday morning. The XUX EK for those who may read this website and be like WTF is that name about? How do you say it (xSHooSh ek). looks like an unpronounceable jumble of letters to our harsh and judgemental american eyes (assuming I haven't secretly blown up in some other country.....)Xux, as I understand, it is a Yucatec Mayan word that means wasp. Like the angry scary bugs. Ek is a word that means both black and star, maybe because stars come out when it's dark. In this sense it means wasp star. I'm not going to use positive language because this is a story i've known for some time so maybe I'm missing something but I would refer anyone interested to check out Bruce Scofield's book; "Signs of Time", and possibly also another book he wrote; "Day Signs". They seem faithful to the tradition in as far as I can tell that it is practiced today.
I have been very interested in the indigenous mesoamerican calendars which, ironically some might, say emerged from reading Carlos Castenada's semi fiction book series. Controversy among people who care rages as to the authenticity of his writing, but I imagine that there is a good possibility some of the stuff he wrote was honest non-fiction. Any ways the spiritual tradition he is presenting is called (by western anthropologists) nagualism. The nagual is typically considered the spirit double, e.g. the animal form a sorcerer might assume, or a "familiar" spirit such as the type which terrify people in Appalachia, or which were damning proof for condemnation during witch hunts. It is essentially a form of animism to lump it in broadly, most similar today to probably Santeria or any other syncretized belief system which adapted itself to survive slavery, colonial oppression, or some other collosal form of ignorance.
Anyways in one of Castenada's books be describes the Nagual completely differently, something like yet beyond the subconscious, or some state of meditative existance akin to Dhyana or Nirvana. As I can't say I know enough about it, all I can do is generalize and compare description to description. Having had profound spiritual experiences I can't honestly pin my own experiences with any of these other labels per say, although knowledge of them is a useful form of advanced conscious/spiritual practice, as they can provide powerful themes for mediatative work or thoughtful actions.
The reality we all engage in and which he lumped in our subconcious with also is the Tonal. Tonal basically means time, so in one sense he was advancing that the Nagual is outside of the space time continuum, which makes sense since one of the key precepts to safely accessing this part of reality was to "stop time".
I'll go farther to share a story which illustrates stopping time as well as anything I ever heard.
An old college classmate told me a story about a friend of his who smoked DMT once. DMT is the endogenous chemical in your brain which is thought to flood your brain as it is born, rarely during extreme circumstances, and when you die. It is associated with near death experiences and this stuff is noteworthy because it is found in almost all life forms. It also can be crystalized and smoked or mainlined or imbibed in a concoction called Ayahuasca. The pure form of it is said to be the most intense hallucinogen known and the shortest acting, typically a half hour journey to the moon or something like it. Anyways. the guy smoked it. Went off and lived with the elves for 800 years. Then he exhaled.
So this Tonal thing was actually very important to the indigenous people of Anahuac. In fact they had a count of days called the Tonalpoualli. This is one and the same as the 260 day calendar which was very unique in the world.
While the DMT story is fresh, consider they have more hallucinogenic naturally occuring plants and animals in Mexico than anywhere else in the world. According to Castenada, the cultures there took up hallucinogens as life long divinatory study. Imagine if people actually did so with a purpose other than getting fucked up. Might be profound right? Thats where I think the calendar emerged from systematic use of consciousness expanding naturally occuring compounds.
In the Dresden codex a precolumbian Mayan folded book, one of the last known to have survived Delanda's horrific book burnings upon conquest, there were Venus tables laid out which indicated that according to the 13 day week which cooccurred with the Xux Ek, which group of people would be stung by the wasp star. Some weeks it was rulers, other weeks it was children. Sometimes it was girls only, or old people. The the previous one occuring in August of 07, and this one were not listed in the references I had so i have no idea who the target was, or is.
My hope is that the target is the authoritarian part of our personalities. The excluding, name calling, subservient part of us who sacrafices enjoyment in life for some abstract ideal. I see no reason why people should strive to over complicate their lives. Why should I or anyone pay rent, insurance or interest, or be peddled credit by one group (sales people) then accosted by another group (collections) when they are linked inextricably in the nature of capitalism. Profit is difficult to differentiate from exploitation in my rationale. It's dificult to think a system of rewarding people for things they should do on their own is no basis for any common culture at all. Instead we have individualism and exceptionalism constued on imaginary lines by arbitrary systems. We have people killing themselves to make a buck, to look pretty, in short to propel all this useless parasitical shit forward, unquestioningly. Worst of all the bastards who are pretty good at getting filthy rich use their wealth to manipulate the political system into a charade. Imagine a lobbyist in a direct democracy. It wouldn't add up, because the scope of action required to effect outcome would make it infeasible.
The authoritarian personality shows up all over the political spectrum. It has it's choir whom it preaches to. It has it's routines, it's valorization of this quality or that quality. It always excludes those deemed weaker or inferior based on it's own prejudices and by that measures excludes itself from a range of meaningful experience. I myself have been this person. I was raised this person, and if I'm lucky I will not die back at being this person. But this person did not just happen to tend away from it, I had to be exposed to thought toxic to authoritarian tendencies and modeled on ways that I could change my instinctual reactions away from looking down and aversion to open minded tolerance for things to be not like I am. I have yet to extend it very far into the society at large, but I'm working on bringing up the subject, in short informal discussions to help stir up passions and to help people be more considerate of their assumptions in as far as poverty and oppression are inextricably tied together to the point where dysfunction often is not the personal failure of an individual but the collective failure of our society to give enough of a fuck about it to do something othere than bomb brown people.
Back to the authoritarian personality, it is this latent tension, a pseudo-militancy, a sacrafice that doesn't need to happen. It happens to ritualize and support the individual who in all likelihood has been profoundly negatively conditioned by society, and has retreated to a stronghold of familiarity. But, when it happens the person who gave something up cannot help but looking at the unclean masses with resentment. This is the poison that can turn into fascism. This is the disorder that betrays the unexamined truth it pretends to simply represent. As our closed minds die, as we annihilate the walls and the limits self imposed so do we inch ever closer to some post-capitalist viability, with the potential that we may learn to live thoughtful, mindful lives of purposeful action which does not lead to an exaltation of the one, but a one that is composed of many. In short a world still full of the complications of life itself but minus the added on layer of capitalist exploitation which makes existence for most an insult at best.