Friday, October 3, 2008

The burner period ends, but the crisis continues.The four days of transition from the south to the east are before us. Nothing is forever, not capitalism, not any of this shit.
I spoke again with Tezcatlipoca. In case you don't know, he's the motherfucker in charge of all of you, of all of us. He's deaths head, with a smoking mirror in his mouth, the source of all the illusions that torture us, be it debt and consumption or power. He is the bastard behind kwasiorkor and death from obesity. He lives and feeds on all of the bullshit we tell ourselves, the reasons we can't be anything other than fucked up. He owns us, his mentor eats us in death and he delivers us twisted and ugly, a flavor of the second for that being.
I tried to make peace with him. Carlos said use death as an advisor. I cried into his visage tonight, in closing this burner peiod out wondering why I hesitate, wondering why we get sick when things come together. I bled love unto him, in grasping the instant of recogition that we are doomed by his decree for the most part inescapably, beholden to our precious illusions that make selling yourself for the most part usually acceptable to most people. That illusion is love, or family, or work, a piece of ass, whatever, anything but to embrace this life as a one time shot at making the world an umpteenth better. You'll do it anyways, even if I let this proverbial cat out of the bag. I will too, you're not alone.
I told him, why can't we just see forever like we're supposed to(see the first people created in the Popul Vuh)? Isn't death and separation enough in giving back that gift? Isn't losing our loved ones enough? Can't you just look away when I present myself, simply wanting a life worth meaning to live? I admit, I want that immortality, but I accept that my impulses will rule me sufficently to submit to the master in death, and accept my flaws meaning that I must come back again? I mean that fact alone denied is justification enough for the half of people out there who deny this reality in which their children are slated to inherit. Seven generations? HA! Is it not enough that I've climbed to this far forgotten peak of existence and discovered YOU. I found you in the bear's head, in the trees themselves, and I saw the tunnel from which you watch us pursuing our illusions. MENTIRAS! Does the blood we shed not slake your thirst? Is not our president and either of his appointed successors not likely to deliver you enough of the same? I know this being, beyond any imagination, desires that spoiled blood of our dear leader, whose doubt in death will be paramount to any, with the blinders of life finally removed. What a twisted charred hunk of ruined regretful flesh he will be to the creator/destroyer.....yet, he has (albeit inadvertently) done us great favors in destroying capitalism driven by it's own devices in such a short amount of time.
Now is our opportunity to splice ourselves gently away. To build the next world on the corpse of this one. Your debts will dissolve in the tepid rotting blood of slain capitalism, but nowhere else. If you believe it right to pay the master while they ignore this fundamental meaning of their own absolutist decree, you deny this & their reality. DeFAULT motherfucker, forget them all. Debts large and small. Provide for each other as a blade of grass is protected against rain, gale, snow. It never fails to come alive again. The spirit protects it, as it will you, poor tortured thinking creature. Your fears indeed are all that fool you, embrace their demise.

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