Despite my clear realization of what
I'm against this is an open
dialogue likely to myself, but open, stating my vision of foresight in the ideal dimension now co-occurring and awaiting us to join them.
This is for thinking big picture, you asked for the moon, now you have it what do you do with it?
unfortunately, we know what the
neo-con moon world looks like,
what if the pendulum really swings?I suppose it starts with some
blank slate scenario.
Some economic disaster levels the playing field,
depresses property values,
sweeps away the
power of wealth or at very least the
illusion that wealth is something other than a running tab on a computer somewhere that thinks itself special, and in some places where there is less to live and die for than others.
enter stage left: "The People" (that is those willing to act on their own behalf) get together and say:
what are we going to do about this? in Greek chorus, or cacophony more likely.
side note: I'm against any form of capitalism that enshrines things over the lives of the people in this society. Any system which could develop as potent a tool for self reflection as modern civilization has, only to discard and marginalize the uncomfortable parts and use the internally designated "useful stuff" to develop increased measures to force participation in their hideous system by any and all means available.I would monologue & diatribe with the following :
Take the mixed Socialism model, e.g.
Scandinavia with some radical Venezuela mixed in, or vice
Logically amplify it to a sustainable level,
Reverse the class war gains, excessive wealth "givebacks", no escape e.g.
off shoring, emigrating, selling off properties, if you leave, you leave your "excess" wealth.
If the excessively wealthy prefer to leave than live in socialism, then they must leave behind whatever assets i.e. means of production etc. that are under their control, so wealth cannot take flight or use other tools in its illusion to cripple alternatives from working out of the gate.
Institute a Maximum Wage,
a single home/ condo/apartment unit maximum(no more rent or property taxes), with other places and units such as 2nd homes, etc, that are lotteried off for a months stay in a season of your choosing.
an acreage max(enough to sustain yourself and a family of 4) for those who prefer that lifestyle, an asset cap as mentioned,
everybody is taken care as far as
health care, and food/clothing shelter, in exchange for a fair # hours per week, doing
grunt work in
remediating the environment, building new communities, whatever your most apt to be able to do developing a new sustainable agricultural model.
popular workshops help to bridge the gap and help average people adapt to this model and get the most out of it, help them organize, advocate and join the social
discussion to draw society towards their vision.
Eventually, this society is immersed in the participatory process.
Everybody has had the opportunity to learn how cooperative models of social organization function.
You have compulsory exams in hard sciences? you need compulsory education in cooperative social models, in applied critical theory, nothing could make for a sharper more far thinking democracy than one that had the capability to grasp long term issues, and not fall for the short term traps currently found everywhere we turn. people are taught to loathe the concept of concentrated and tyrannical power by learning the true stories of it's
unnecessary excesses, and living it's alternative.
There would be intolerance for intolerance although this is the rim of the the slippery slope towards stalinist hell.
Taking all of the know-how of production and distribution, first you extract the corporation from it's imaginary role, then utilize it's productivity and efficiency to reduce the collective work load.
Utilize it's breaking tasks into easily trainable components and educate all who are interested in becoming doctors or other healing practicioners.
There could be 10-15 hours of social orientated work per week for everybody which would guarantee all basics, food, clothing, medical care, education and to a lesser extent shelter.
governement would set policy over those areas and try to oversee local production of all elements as much as possible, while keeping sustainability in the fore.
endeavors to add diversity, creativity and innovation sustainably could fill the spare time of those who were interested in it, with artisanship. Those without need for that could do without it. If a barter economy or local currency worked for an area it would be easily achievable. If a group of people agreed to try an make a go of a self sustaining anarchist non-state region, they could utilize the socialist government to set it up.
As far as regulatory entities, only people with the deepest respect for anti-authoritarianism, who could grasp the importance of everybody working to sustain such a tenuous proto-utopia could reckon judgement fairly on others, likely only for transgressing another person's health and welfare when the community did not or could not deal with it, or in cases of pollution/ deforestation, etc. which by extension is violence against the larger surrounding communitities. More important those vested with such responsibilities would not have jail as a bandaid catch all, but would have to approach such problems as conflict resolution or reeducation activities. Repeat or seriously offensive conduct could lead to treatment for mental illness if that were possible or an enforced exile, that border being the only militarized one left in the world. There would still be some need, people given every freedom and the most positive environment possible still would act on long programmed instincts, or react against their environment with irrationality.
Mass public transportation would be the norm with a modest scale of personal vehicles available to share or own. Green development standards would become the only building and planning standards for to do it any other way is at the collective expense of the group whose fate is shared by the happenings on the face of the earth.
People would devote non-collective work time to small market manufacture or development, these things could be sold, or traded and people could accumulate some wealth if that was how their local community was configured, but after hitting a maximum wage or maximum asset ceiling, surplus value would be directed towards meeting other needs in society, or perhaps trading for otherwise unavailable raw materials with countries still organized around a monetary system, although that would want to be minimized as much as possible over time. If this were unfeasible, it is feasible that the governing entity would retain control over means of productions in key areas to give it the ability to negotiate with other states as needed for raw goods it could not source itself feasibly.
The real shift would be from a society based on circulation of spending surplus wealth (consumer driven) to one that can meet all essential needs and still allow for a fraction of that type of activity while encouraging and freeing people to develop themselves intellectually, spiritually, and creatively, instead of having an agglomeration of shared consumerist experiences and the omnipresent experience of their being no point to any of it.
This model allows for a situationist type experiemnt to exist, or to have space to work itself out amongst those who agree upon that ideology, it allows for a marxist version to attempt to see if that philosophy works in praxis, it allows for libertarians, while protecting the liberty of all from the tyranny of over accumultated wealth, and environmental ruin to run a (albeit hobbled) free market based experiment, it allows for people who like having a state organize things for them do that, with the added option of their having a say in the process, a say in the decisions, not a vote, but actual discourse. It gives people the freedom to reorganize themselves as they wish to take freedom without risking it all, so the valid ideas amongst the chaff will stand out and humans can continue to evolve. The discourse and the interaction between these experiements would be intense and would likely bear new experiements we haven't even dreamed of from necessity.
Permanently eliminating excess wealth is an
integral part to fighting poverty because the two are inextricably linked. Same with the environment and its degradation. What is needed is a horizontal expansion, a recognition that people should not sort themselves into these extreme contortions that ultimately benefit the few but create by proxy the millions of unethical scenarios where people
try to get ahead at the expense of others, or their surroundings which become part of the mosaic of the planets ecosystems. The extinction of endangered species by poaching requires
fetishized body parts on the black market somewhere the creature usually is already extinct. Someone has such an aggregate amount of wealth on hand, willing to pay for it beyond what the risk of getting caught killing, trafficking, or selling those body parts. The vendor must have such a need for basic necessities, the decision to kill the endangered creature would probably almost make itself. People might hold back for ethical reasons, but if your family is starving and you've no alternative means to sustain yourself, that's a failure of the economic model, not the individual. Remove their poverty, and you would remove a major impetus for not only poaching but slash and burn
rainforest agriculture, illegal logging, illegal fishing, passing poisonous toxic waste as medicine, economic distortions from illegal immigration, illegal pollution and dumping, sex slavery, and the exploitation of children, drug wars, paramilitary death squads, all of these things are fueled by poverty providing a recruitment incentive for work that can easily get you killed, or to protect another persons advantage. Because the extremely wealthy are so wealthy others are so impoverished, this is the only logical conclusion. The two need not be directly related, they are kept in relation by the system of valuation as it currently (
Extend this to all the real ills in the world and far too
often it's about people in precarious places trying to get a lock on the veins on wealth in that society to extend that benefit to their clan or tribe. Most people would do anything to protect their loved ones.
The creed is simple: "
do no harm". Protect both the freedom to and freedom from. Freedom to wear what we like, to associate with who we like, to live where we like(to a point), but also the freedom from other peoples so called "freedom" inflicting unnecessary burdens on everyone else. Attack all of the ways our economy is currently burning through the futures share of clean water, air, soil, healthy ecosystems, and humans living making the world less work dependent, and more functional, where there is increasingly less stratification by class, inter social
stressors (i.e. traffic, lines, unnecessary labor, more emphasis on human development, people making informed choices,
remediating the ills of the past, education, etc. )
People need to respect the integrity of ecosystems. That will need to be empowered with a set of tools to try empower that individual in society by its ideals.
What would make this world actually work would be :
1)a sizable number of people (~1%+) who
really engage reality with some places having a much higher concentration of like minded individuals.
This does not need to be total devotion of revolution 24 hours a day. You will find very few converts to an austerity regime, so all should use parallel process and be tolerant of each others choices as long as the work gets done. The dual power project must be a microcosm, an unsterile labratory, and versatile enought to recognize the winds in the society around it and ride them to their best ability.
2)this means space.
Part of ideas becoming reality is happening, writing is a pre-preliminary step. Action is what you do. Now right now I write, I think, I talk and I plan. So do others, some of whom I dialogue with (sometimes I get excited and talk more than I listen, I know, I do apologize).
Anyone can act on an impulse. How do we get beneth the control mechanism and sort towards those impulses towards this freedom? How can we discover where the freedom instinct in ourselves is
suppressed? How to you begin to awaken this coiled force inside of you, true power, like a
Kundalini rush or the holy spirit making you roll on the floor and talk in
tongues.... It's not the god someplace else, it's that force inside of you, trying to get out, trying to be recognized and
learning to recognize it in in others,
But space as in the space needed is not found in an instant we still face this paper monster of illusory wealth and its enforcing minions. An aggregate of instants will someday soon stand bravely, fully expecting it's own repression and anticipating those actions to it's advantage as the only solution possible must. It must be formed from instants and experiences into a base community, a place where the next place can be modeled and discussed, where it's talents can be honed and it's issues tried out to develop the working model, the dynamic force that will have the universal adaptation qualities to meet the needs of millions of individuals each suffering from the symptoms of this hell on earth in their own individual way.
Education must be reconsidered completely. From an exercise in reenacting rote skills as some homage to the past, education must become what is truly meant by the term: critical analysis and
praxis, advocating for the self, the whole self, and not the economic animal in the context of those artificial sciences, but the living creature in relationship to it's place in the world, and as it's fate must be tied to the land, air and water the fate of the land, air and water. Teaching the self to realize its importance in the scheme of all the different communities it interacts with, also teaching the individual information on their body and their health, the impact of their choices, and the nature of choice itself. In short school should be a time when people are gripped by the thrill of becoming an a higher state of being, not as some magical process of insider favors and exclusivity but someone who realizes the importance of spiritual development, of creation and
artisanship, of developing and nurturing the human bonds in the world around them, instead of being torn up and assorted by the needs of a hierarchy only to be left shredded and expected to go home reconstitute themselves and take more disfigurement. The fact that so many people do this rote self injurious behavior makes the type of
mental illness associated with it ubiquitous, something we can't ever get away from even if we vanquish the paradigm in our own lives.
Education is the missing ingredient, this kind of education can start at anytime where people can begin minimizing the presence of the rote disease from society at large. It is so insidious it travels on the EMF waves in the air, waiting to be decoded and recoded by viewers like you. Education is why the greatest outrage today is the lack of outrage. Where was it? Education in this sense
demonstrates that it can succeed both at dumbing down and turning a population into inert matter, just as liberation theology and pedagogy have driven many places especially in Latin America closer towards the vision I share of what a free world looks like.
These three elements are what are needed for a growing self reinforcing culture dedicated to bringing peoples better qualities to the front, and developing the skill sets and precedents so that that society has extensive norms by which it can self regulate. I firmly believe that not all people can change, not all will want to change, but among the many who do and who can, it may require generations to finally break old habits formed by
millenia of repression. The question is where does all of this best work now? There must be many places, but can people afford to live there, or has class war erected another fence to the privledge of basic human rights? What are the crucial ingredients missing, and can outside help or increases in numbers make a real difference? Is there somewhere out there with excess capacity, an open inclusive community that is mature and critical, sees the big picture and is able to transmit an inspiring vision through the
communty which resists dilution even as the community grows and as an
incresingly diverse community of people access and share that common dream?
What are the essential questions? Vultures, by all means, tear this a new liver. 1st question: housing? What do we do with sprawl developments and mcmansions?
develop new communities that reuse housing stock or building material from housing stock, dwellings of excessive scope require additonal persons inhabit according to square footage determined by someones other than me.