Venus visibly emerging from inferior conjunction had another Halloween like terror inspiring quality associated with it. That was the Xux Ek translated to mean the wasp star. Spears of light that emerged from the unusual dawn killed groups of people according to the 13 day week it occured during. This was also the reenactment of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli's attempted coup against the sun, Tonatiuh, and his subsequent banishment and transformation into Itzlacoluhquiuh, god of cold, frost, ice, and punishment which was refered to as "sticks and stones", as that was what you were battered with.
People went as far as covering their chimney to prevent the light of the Xux Ek from entering their home. The first day of the trecena preceding the event determined who the victims would be. It could be women in childbirth, children, old people, leaders, men and women, it was always different. During years favorable to such endeavors, wars were launched to coincide with this occurence and modern archeoastronomers dubbed this the original "Star Wars". So this coming April Fools day, we find ourselves in the middle of the five unlucky days and with Venus emerging from inferior conjunction with the sun. This is like the equivalent of Halloween on Friday the 13th under a blood red full moon, by the ancient Mexican ritual calendar.
All of this gloom and doom on the horizon caused me to recall the old Hopi "Prophecy Rock" at Oraibi I read about fifteen years ago in Rex Wyler's book : "Blood of the Land" . This petroglyph has been explained to foretell the demise of this civilization. These prophecies were also referenced in the movie Koyaanisquatsi. They point out contrails in the sky, electric grids and highways crossing the land, atomic weapons, and our demise from said weapons. All the while they, being the traditionalists, are just trying to keep it real, plant some corn and take the simple road. Sign me up...
FFWD>>: this article in the Guardian forwarded to me today by the SSN listserve:
Rural idyll or terrorist hub? The village that police say is a threat to the state.
This headline goes on to describe some individuals who came together to create another world, all the slogans keep telling us are possible. French Government's response? "No!" because apparently ThEy aRe TeRrOrIsTs!!!
This world can seem like such a nightmare.
Does it have to be like Halloween on Friday the 13th everyday somewhere? Can't we all just have a day off from hate and pointless death? From repression and people counting on making billions of dollars a day from other people toiling in jobs they hate for crap they only want until they get, to the point they both can't wait to die, and yet they feel like they never lived.
This article only drives the nail further into my discomfort, that the rich are not going to let go of this sick incestuous wet dream of class exploitation without throwing a tantrum and anybody not down with going down needs to take every precaution. Fuck their living our freedom !!!!! The old order is beyond corrupted, beyond degraded from all the forces of nature doing what they do with corpses, bloated, gassy, meat falling off the bone, stinking so bad, we should all by crying and vomiting. Yet there are those posing amidst the foul gas, pretending this is the way it should be pretending it doesn't stink or that they couldn't care less about it. Others, cruel minions for the property masters taught only enough to follow the next order. They who guard it's deception for no other reason than the right someone told them: look here's how it really is...can you handle the truth? the truth is these people are very dangerous to our way of life, go out and arrest them. Their thoughts are dangerous, go before the cameras and sow falsehoods to keep people scared from their kind, and to inspire fear in those who share their dreams.
Y'know, in this life, it's seems all too easy to read between the lines when this happens, because this shit happens so fucking often it's like a record skipping... Besides scale, how is this different that what happened in Latin America on a state level, Allende's Chile, Arbenz's Guatemala? They could have been models of the idyllic democratic societies dealing with the problems faced by a large majority of people in the world. Instead market forces reacted to instigate genocidal bloodbaths, The dictatorships in Francoist Spain, Uruguay, Greece(hence the base communities which rioted, rooted in the bloody struggles of that age), Brazil, Somoza's Nicaragua, Batista's Cuba, Echeverria's Mexico, El Salvador, Columbia. Watch "When Mountains Tremble" to get a background on what this repression looked like. Looks a lot like the tactics the Nazi's perfected in subduing territory they had over-run by my estimate. The problem is their precious workforce might take freedom a little bit too seriously and stop working for the exploitation model and might awaken into a humane society instead doing the St. Vitus dance to the tune of an insane society.
Do they really expect intelligent people of conscience to never be angry at this wicked machine. The bloodbath in Gaza, the pinnacle of international dystopia, and they, the corporate media, the western nations can't even call it what anyone with eyes to see and a mind to find what Israel is trying so hard to hide! Hey over there! You can't displace all those people and expect them to be OK with it. You can't crowd them into ghettos, separate them in apartheid, lay siege to everything killing them silently and expect them to just die off silently. The rockets look to me, admittedly an outsider looking in, like a desperate hay-maker of a counter punch while they are being strangled by seige. Just because you are big and strong and can kill by smothering doesn't make your seige any less deadly. I'm sure many more Gazans must have died from the siege before the fighting started than Isrelis have died from rocketfire or even invading Gaza at this point. The fear and anxiety in Israel perhaps isn't fear of Hamas or the "Palestinian question" (why does genocide always get framed as an ethnic question?), it's your conscience, our 6 million dead relatives and ancestors who, if their could be any sentience left on their part, must be brought into some form of total spiritual horror, to see their kin and descendants perpetrating similar kinds of violence in the same dehumanizing way, using experimental weapons(DIME),human shields, bombing schools and hospitals, horrific flechette munitions, chemical weapons killing a full 2/3s civillians, 1/3 children!? Collective punishment was just as fucked up when the Nazis used it as it is now. The solution is not and can never be found in the thinking of this kind of extreme militarism.
Back to France and their assault on thie modest dual power project....
What if someone comes up with a functional society that ignores all of the current and dysfunctional society's rules?
What if, "MON DIEU!" dozens or perhaps even hundreds of ordinary people could see what all of us already know, that this world is an inordinate amount of run-around and bullshit, to keep rich people lazy and poor people crazy. To keep power in the bloated corpse, in the history books, a slave of these little tyrants, who would rather cook you with the atmosphere, deny you shelter, clothes, anything even deny you any drop of pure water without tribute to their greatness, interest, fees, profit, FUCK THAT!
It's not rocket science that meets our everyday needs, but it is the perception of needing rocket science that continues the molecular glue which becomes the binding element of our invisible chains.
Don't think about it, walk the process of becoming it. As the anonymous used to say, every journey begins with that first step. You won't always go the right way, but if you keep trying something will happen. Never what you originally expected, but something that was worth doing, something with real meaning.
The scary thought of the day isn't monsters roaming your neighborhood on April fools day, but that otherness you have deformed and disfigured in your own pursuits, possibly holding the key to what we need to learn in this life to not repeat this lesson again. That monster is the mutant form of your open mind, and maybe it's time we meet with the monster inside of us that suppresses us from being and figure out how to best deal with it, how to restore the balance. Here is where meditation can help, in the down time
Here's a better square of Mercury than the first one I posted. The numbers still add up to 260 horizontal and vertical in each line. Things adding up are a basic prerequisite to any meaningful change...

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