Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Yes everybody, we've arrived. And departed?
I've been saying this for way too long. I should be in a primitivist bunker(cave?) somewhere living off of rations but apparently I'm just not that talented or organized. Instead I'm congratulating myself for fighting off a bread crust of illegal debt thanks to this website. When what we need is more of this guy's ideas. Write down NOW! why should anyone be honest when it comes to debt when we can be assured they are going to follow a straight line trajectory into catastrophe which we're all lined up to hit. It's all going exactly as someone planned it to go, because there is just no logical excuse otherwise unless incompetency has been purified into some everyday substance the gross majority of people have no chance of avoiding exposure to. That kind of plausible deniability on this scale just doesn't add up, and even if it did, we really are fucked either way as far as capitalism saving anything for its lumpens who are now the bottom 95% of us thanx so much popular culture and MSM....

I guess it's a good time to blow whatever credit you have left on doing those things you wanted to before you died, because for most of the people out there, that's going to be the next phase. We won't see a debt write down without a population write down, and now that we can all be sure some military/ nsa intelligence wonk is proof reading all of this after that first article.

Here's a note to you and all of your buddies: your superiors lie to you, they make shit up to get you thinking they know something no body else does because the world can't handle the truth. Ever heard of this speech by Gen. Smedley Butler? Or Eisenhower's warning about the military industrial complex? Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel's backyard wars are all just weapons testing exercises in live fire conditions and assymetrical psychological operations so you all have the practice to control a huge well armed country full of angry people here. Refuse the orders to repress your fellow citizens when we rise up against our debt slavery. Join us. Don't be a tool for the ruling class, use your intelligene to make a better world. Lead the way with your bravery of dissent and perhaps many of your comrades will see your example and recognize your leadership. The Milgram experiments were shown to be less effective when somebody had the courage to defy authority and bear that unknown consequence. You may well find yourself at the precipice of a moment when you will be asked to do things that may catch up with you in a trial of crimes against humanity if you don't find the strength to refuse.

Maybe there is still some spark and shadow of heroism left in military service despite the rote brainwashing they force everyone to go through ... I'm almost certain we will be finding out in the next few years when they are called up to confront those of us who actually believe in the realization of freedom, not it's mockery in this current form, not it's inversion as it's mirage of the abstract higher ideal. Freedom as tangible practice, practice which encourages more of it, wealth as generosity in proportion to what you have and as a common good so that everyone has something and we find that shared something to be what's worth defending... the terms of the debate are getting starker by the hour even if you don't want it to go there. It's like the countdown to hide and go seek has started on some grand scale.

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