Thursday, February 26, 2009

thousand year mistakes

Read an article by Bill Mckibben on getting arrested to protest a coal fired plant and some one linked to this article in the comments. That second link is what I call infiltration. I guess doing it once is probably possible for most anything anywhere, but where does the resistance strategy really gel? Does it require too many bumbling and now paranoid scientists and mall cop types now that this shenannigan succeeded? Or can we count on the american inability to identify a map period as a second use reappropriation of the "master's tools" for the manufactured ignorance so unavoidable today?
McKibben doesn't want any rowdy types though, everyone must dress as if they are on their way to a (white) protestant church. Apparently congress owns this thing and they can just stroke their john hancocks around and make it burn another kind of fossil fuel. joy.

So I came up with the idea to write this piece and celebrate justice. Justice in the face of ~10,000 years of bad decisions, rewarding those who made them with power and legacy, technology and all of the other accoutrements that go along with the fly paper we huddle from and get stuck to in this wonderful modern world. First: I must google how far back does it go? Could've guessed, John Zerzan interviewed by Derrick Jensen provided an answer. Oddly enough, now that i think of it, I've seen both of them speak to, Zerzan in Syracuse 2-3 years ago, Jensen in Binghamton last year. While Zerzan wasn't nearly this cogent when I saw him speak, this piece was easier to digest and jibed with my understanding of anthropology, which too has made me sympathetic to anarcho primitivism/ eco-anarchy for many moons now (not that i'm counting).

This just provides a backstop. It is politically useful that we all share the belief that primitive life was brutal, harsh and short. But only after we switched to agriculture. Agriculture allowed people suplus from excess crop and thence: wealth. Maybe it started with the Joneses who everybody apparently has either been trying to keep up with or whom the our rebellious forebears badmouthed and were thusly repressed by their barbarian hoarde.

First mistake: agriculture, boo! booooo. end result: franken food, factory farms, ecological devastation, corn syrup, obesity, false scarcity from commodification and globalized trade in cash crops leading to preventable deaths form starvation, malnutrition, anorexia, obesity. oh and food poisoning too. Starts here but the population problem gets in the way of it ending here because coupling the worlds population of us , a tertiary level predator with the worlds remaining mostly devastated ecosystems= dieback. Can't sell the die back, at least not honestly even with truth in advertising. People must be manipulated in the abbatoir towards the killing floor if we are to believe what we see everyday.Agriculture is the mother.

The stream of thought then jogs to the right in the development and progression of authoritarian personality, culture and society on my way back to the next big mistake: monotheism replacing tribal spiritual practices. Much like direct democracy, which at least was somewhat practiced here by our indigenous neighbors whose stolen land we now inhabit, some people are a good fit with the 'process". Those people facilitate other peoples experience of mystery in the world and embracing mystery as an unavoidable fact is a great reminder to all of us on our pursuit of critical transivity. It isn't about celebrating our ignorance but finding ways to be that minimize the harm ignorance exercises on us when left unchecked to form it's peculiar morbid routines. It isn't about some crass personification of the forces of nature but a direct experience with life beyond the known boundaries and the mystery of existence. When people started forcibly converting each other, they set a really, really bad precedent into motion. unfortunately for everybody, those with obviously more sophisticated spiritual practices were fought violently in the name of the current normative spiritual traditons. My suspicion is because the behavior patterns needed to repudiate the onslaught was incompatible with their spiritual constitution at some level. It was still intact and it is always easier to destroy than to build.

Second mistake: militaristic forced conversion to synthetic religion. BOOO! BOO! BOO!
This also conveniently welded the aggressive personality with an alien concept of morality, thus, now discipline(read regimented, preoccupied with rules, obsessed with the right perception and inherently lacking self esteem sufficient to question inequality as they create the lesser other to be sacraficed in themselves in their gesture of loyal abasement to the soverign then project martial judgement on all who are unwilling to folow suit) is frequently confused with the types of value we are taught to desire so we can attain wealth and the favor of our cruel and cold god. This abberation set the foundation for two things. One was a demystification among "thinking" people no longer attached to outcomes of their actions as severed form the earth which accompanied the scientific breakthroughs and the development of empirical scientific process. Second was a capacity for cruelty towards others and nature that could only arise from a hoard of ork like creatures who were denied the connection to beauty and meaning in everyday life and who would hunt down anyone, child, elder, woman, man suspected of cavorting with the devil in similar ways. To me this seems inextricably linked in crucial ways to the eventual rise of colonialism, the slave trade and it's logical conclusion of fascism replete with an ethnic cleansing and social darwinist moral philosophy. Evangelism is the warped and addicted father. Empiricism is the estranged but equally absolutist uncle, who may still be of some use were he to come down from his pompous ivory tower, learn to laugh or something.

Then people went and turned excess driven wealth into a paradigm that the entire world must engage in. Compulsory capitalism! land not owned or used by bussiness interest became manifest destiny from this sensory deprivation disease that infests the minds of those who are blinded by its bling, deafened by the ca ching of cash and dumbed down enough to be spoon fed whatever those in power need you to believe today. War was declared on those against the will of the masters of the universe. Of course only the innocent and the pawns died. Blood stains us all, and it will not disappear no matter how you try to wash it off.

Capitalism is the child, the child that tantrums when it does not get its way. The child who over simplifies the world. The fickle child who has no self esteem but cannot keep itself from showing of. The selfish child. Capitalism, always with the next thing to sell, the dream of wealth without work, miraculous, growing, like vines, suffocating everything, cancerous. Capitalism, the child who just can't learn and has no one to step in and say "stop! NO!" Spoiled, vindictive, unkempt. Capitalism would rather despoil the entire world than let us try, in case we are right. In case they are wrong. And if they can't have everything, then no one will have anything....
Capitalism is ready for a nap, or better yet ready to grow up dialectically.

In summary, the thought I started out with is that we keep making these awful choices as a species. Not everybody because there are still some isolated people who are lucky enough to not have had contact(or very much contact) with this disease, and there are those of us who have made it through and seen their way of life as a natural conclusion to the sustainability question. Who do we follow, what we do, what we think about, how do we allow ourselves to be lead by fear. These questions keep coming up in our dialect, because the answers just aren't what you might hope they would be. This current dilemma, the econopocalypse is the end result of ten thousand years of failing to make the right choices and we've finally been pinned down by it. The triumphalism was never more than cheering and jeering by the fans in the stand watching the game but never knowing what the rules should be, nor what would happen at the end of the game. Most just always just rooted for the team with the better marketing gimmick, and that was what it was all about, that was the substance to their triumphalism. The future is plain and has no wrapper, it simply is because there must be more to why we exist with all of these complicated thoughts and emotions that to divert our attention or to indulge in some eternal consumerist hunt for deals or whatever. We're not just going to die off, and I'm sure arrogance will drive people to draw the line in the sand with their creature comforts. That is auto selection I guess so adaptation is a key survival skill now.

You(probably to some extent) and I make the pendulum swing, and i keep looking for a good place to jump off before I just say FUCK IT! and jump off wherever I am. because where else will i ever be otherwise, just the same back and forth. work, home, work, home, hope, despair, hope, despair, seasons go by ever faster. no time for this, no time for that, family's getting older, closer to death... will I ever see my grandmothers again? no time, back and forth running in circles, debt, wealth, debt, wealth, death................

all the while the sound of flowers dying.
As they die, so do I watch the terxture fade of true wealth in hope and dreams of life not for profit, but just to be lived. It must be realized before the portal closes.
In the spirit of total resistance.- Orphelin de Nephilim

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