Wednesday, September 2, 2009
meaning what, pop can't stop it?
I have made some changes very recently to my way of approaching life.
I have decided to revisit my relationship with smoking and drinking.
I have decided to revisit my views on work, my behavioral patterns, my tensions and agitations...
Some things must be left behind.
One flaw in my being super critical is that tension which persists, which steals my composure as a parent earlier than I would like, that steals my ability to grasp the milieu i exist in, in meaningful terms...
Criticism is a never ending intense spiral which cannot yield what it is not based on. That ingredient, satisfaction, relaxation, relief is a counter faculty.
Am I recuperating the devastation of capitalism or of activism?
The real insurrectionary escapes me... like some character in a novel mythologically construed transcendent creature.
At very least i do not want to be first or even first wave... I don't know if I can strategically commit to this national scenario or if I must consider resettlement as inevitable...
I have started to figure out somethings.
For one the problem in this country is that it is designed to deform everybody in it. No one escapes the mutagenic culture which creates a monster in each of us. Tom Tommorrow nailed it in the context of people or rather so called "conventional wisdom" rationalizing torture.
It goes much deeper than that. Much deeper than the ultra individualist who would rather slog through unnecessary paperwork , rejection in the time of greatest need, and likely no possible way to pay for their health failing without the moribund insurance sector providing meager assistance at least.
Much deeper than the total misappropriation of labels when a gay jew and a mixed race president being labeled nazi's by rightwingers with much more in common with nazis than anybody else.
No to cut to the core of it it is this belief that the essential basis for this country is indifference to other people except in as far as they are useful as customers.
It's the malformation of the other, excited and exacerbated by the over competitive, judgemental, scenarios staged throughout upbringing in schools, in experiencing the terrain of social stratification where people access privilege according to capital, and it is all presented as a simple mechanism with simple conclusions.
The problem is that money is not available to all, and not everybody is born to be obsessed about it, but for those who are not, they will be forced by this system to either suffer it's disfavor or to bifurcate their soul to service what they need to get what they want.
The other is always the sneering ne'er do well looking to snatch an advantage, to beat you to the sale, to expropriate your excess., never a creature that could be trusted, nor loved, barely human if at all....
This is the crisis of capitalism, of america, of the west in these settler states. We can never trust each other. not in any large scale type of way. Socialism would be an invitation to new rackets, new shortages, failure would be written before it even began, because the human terrain has been spoiled, almost as a last gasp trick, just in case the soviets succeeded. But it goes back all the way to the original european encounters with the indigenous. It's a feature that embedded itself in western "civilization": betrayal, manipulation, force when possible, win by any and all means possible, ruin and desecrate anything and everything. I'm not saying the indigenous were free of all defects, but what won out in this battle was ugly. Ugly which subordinated all of it's pagans by fire and torture previous, creating a race of people separated from the earth, disconnected from history, connected only through the machinations of power to each other, tenuous at best, but reliably installed with fear, loathing, and an ironic sense of being better despite the persistent outcomes....
This is the legacy we inherit, many of us on the wrong side, the side of the victors burned into our cellular memory.
And americans are it's ultimate culmination. The culmination of those who prefer their own just profits free of all considerations as to where those profits, those products, this economy are leading the world towards. It just couldn't be any other way when the ominous music plays as this civilization poisons and corrupts everything it touches, as it wins despite everything, nature perhaps relieving itself by our self directed suicide.
So perhaps I want to stand back now. Relieve myself of duty. Pop a bag of popcorn and watch the slow moving train wreck as it disintegrates. The wreckage will surely take out a good segment of the stands, and luck has made an inordinately long run in these parts in as far as the ingredients, and our behavior is concerned. Suburban banality can only hold so much longer with the inequality causing people to remember the french revolution more and more each day!
The machine will be left to it's own devices without another one of me there wagging my finger at it as it goes down flaming, so what if I know. No one listens, and apparently it's not up to me to make the clarion call to the future. I now accept that. In my mind my fist clenched as solid as magma in the earth's core unclenches, the heat turns into a cooling light and I am relieved. Completely at least for now. I am relieved. That connection to the core is what counts there is nothing else I can do.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
the punchline
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Uayob (five nameless days) begins
I have been very interested in the indigenous mesoamerican calendars which, ironically some might, say emerged from reading Carlos Castenada's semi fiction book series. Controversy among people who care rages as to the authenticity of his writing, but I imagine that there is a good possibility some of the stuff he wrote was honest non-fiction. Any ways the spiritual tradition he is presenting is called (by western anthropologists) nagualism. The nagual is typically considered the spirit double, e.g. the animal form a sorcerer might assume, or a "familiar" spirit such as the type which terrify people in Appalachia, or which were damning proof for condemnation during witch hunts. It is essentially a form of animism to lump it in broadly, most similar today to probably Santeria or any other syncretized belief system which adapted itself to survive slavery, colonial oppression, or some other collosal form of ignorance.
Anyways in one of Castenada's books be describes the Nagual completely differently, something like yet beyond the subconscious, or some state of meditative existance akin to Dhyana or Nirvana. As I can't say I know enough about it, all I can do is generalize and compare description to description. Having had profound spiritual experiences I can't honestly pin my own experiences with any of these other labels per say, although knowledge of them is a useful form of advanced conscious/spiritual practice, as they can provide powerful themes for mediatative work or thoughtful actions.
The reality we all engage in and which he lumped in our subconcious with also is the Tonal. Tonal basically means time, so in one sense he was advancing that the Nagual is outside of the space time continuum, which makes sense since one of the key precepts to safely accessing this part of reality was to "stop time".
I'll go farther to share a story which illustrates stopping time as well as anything I ever heard.
An old college classmate told me a story about a friend of his who smoked DMT once. DMT is the endogenous chemical in your brain which is thought to flood your brain as it is born, rarely during extreme circumstances, and when you die. It is associated with near death experiences and this stuff is noteworthy because it is found in almost all life forms. It also can be crystalized and smoked or mainlined or imbibed in a concoction called Ayahuasca. The pure form of it is said to be the most intense hallucinogen known and the shortest acting, typically a half hour journey to the moon or something like it. Anyways. the guy smoked it. Went off and lived with the elves for 800 years. Then he exhaled.
So this Tonal thing was actually very important to the indigenous people of Anahuac. In fact they had a count of days called the Tonalpoualli. This is one and the same as the 260 day calendar which was very unique in the world.
While the DMT story is fresh, consider they have more hallucinogenic naturally occuring plants and animals in Mexico than anywhere else in the world. According to Castenada, the cultures there took up hallucinogens as life long divinatory study. Imagine if people actually did so with a purpose other than getting fucked up. Might be profound right? Thats where I think the calendar emerged from systematic use of consciousness expanding naturally occuring compounds.
In the Dresden codex a precolumbian Mayan folded book, one of the last known to have survived Delanda's horrific book burnings upon conquest, there were Venus tables laid out which indicated that according to the 13 day week which cooccurred with the Xux Ek, which group of people would be stung by the wasp star. Some weeks it was rulers, other weeks it was children. Sometimes it was girls only, or old people. The the previous one occuring in August of 07, and this one were not listed in the references I had so i have no idea who the target was, or is.
My hope is that the target is the authoritarian part of our personalities. The excluding, name calling, subservient part of us who sacrafices enjoyment in life for some abstract ideal. I see no reason why people should strive to over complicate their lives. Why should I or anyone pay rent, insurance or interest, or be peddled credit by one group (sales people) then accosted by another group (collections) when they are linked inextricably in the nature of capitalism. Profit is difficult to differentiate from exploitation in my rationale. It's dificult to think a system of rewarding people for things they should do on their own is no basis for any common culture at all. Instead we have individualism and exceptionalism constued on imaginary lines by arbitrary systems. We have people killing themselves to make a buck, to look pretty, in short to propel all this useless parasitical shit forward, unquestioningly. Worst of all the bastards who are pretty good at getting filthy rich use their wealth to manipulate the political system into a charade. Imagine a lobbyist in a direct democracy. It wouldn't add up, because the scope of action required to effect outcome would make it infeasible.
The authoritarian personality shows up all over the political spectrum. It has it's choir whom it preaches to. It has it's routines, it's valorization of this quality or that quality. It always excludes those deemed weaker or inferior based on it's own prejudices and by that measures excludes itself from a range of meaningful experience. I myself have been this person. I was raised this person, and if I'm lucky I will not die back at being this person. But this person did not just happen to tend away from it, I had to be exposed to thought toxic to authoritarian tendencies and modeled on ways that I could change my instinctual reactions away from looking down and aversion to open minded tolerance for things to be not like I am. I have yet to extend it very far into the society at large, but I'm working on bringing up the subject, in short informal discussions to help stir up passions and to help people be more considerate of their assumptions in as far as poverty and oppression are inextricably tied together to the point where dysfunction often is not the personal failure of an individual but the collective failure of our society to give enough of a fuck about it to do something othere than bomb brown people.
Back to the authoritarian personality, it is this latent tension, a pseudo-militancy, a sacrafice that doesn't need to happen. It happens to ritualize and support the individual who in all likelihood has been profoundly negatively conditioned by society, and has retreated to a stronghold of familiarity. But, when it happens the person who gave something up cannot help but looking at the unclean masses with resentment. This is the poison that can turn into fascism. This is the disorder that betrays the unexamined truth it pretends to simply represent. As our closed minds die, as we annihilate the walls and the limits self imposed so do we inch ever closer to some post-capitalist viability, with the potential that we may learn to live thoughtful, mindful lives of purposeful action which does not lead to an exaltation of the one, but a one that is composed of many. In short a world still full of the complications of life itself but minus the added on layer of capitalist exploitation which makes existence for most an insult at best.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
thousand year mistakes
McKibben doesn't want any rowdy types though, everyone must dress as if they are on their way to a (white) protestant church. Apparently congress owns this thing and they can just stroke their john hancocks around and make it burn another kind of fossil fuel. joy.
So I came up with the idea to write this piece and celebrate justice. Justice in the face of ~10,000 years of bad decisions, rewarding those who made them with power and legacy, technology and all of the other accoutrements that go along with the fly paper we huddle from and get stuck to in this wonderful modern world. First: I must google how far back does it go? Could've guessed, John Zerzan interviewed by Derrick Jensen provided an answer. Oddly enough, now that i think of it, I've seen both of them speak to, Zerzan in Syracuse 2-3 years ago, Jensen in Binghamton last year. While Zerzan wasn't nearly this cogent when I saw him speak, this piece was easier to digest and jibed with my understanding of anthropology, which too has made me sympathetic to anarcho primitivism/ eco-anarchy for many moons now (not that i'm counting).
This just provides a backstop. It is politically useful that we all share the belief that primitive life was brutal, harsh and short. But only after we switched to agriculture. Agriculture allowed people suplus from excess crop and thence: wealth. Maybe it started with the Joneses who everybody apparently has either been trying to keep up with or whom the our rebellious forebears badmouthed and were thusly repressed by their barbarian hoarde.
First mistake: agriculture, boo! booooo. end result: franken food, factory farms, ecological devastation, corn syrup, obesity, false scarcity from commodification and globalized trade in cash crops leading to preventable deaths form starvation, malnutrition, anorexia, obesity. oh and food poisoning too. Starts here but the population problem gets in the way of it ending here because coupling the worlds population of us , a tertiary level predator with the worlds remaining mostly devastated ecosystems= dieback. Can't sell the die back, at least not honestly even with truth in advertising. People must be manipulated in the abbatoir towards the killing floor if we are to believe what we see everyday.Agriculture is the mother.
The stream of thought then jogs to the right in the development and progression of authoritarian personality, culture and society on my way back to the next big mistake: monotheism replacing tribal spiritual practices. Much like direct democracy, which at least was somewhat practiced here by our indigenous neighbors whose stolen land we now inhabit, some people are a good fit with the 'process". Those people facilitate other peoples experience of mystery in the world and embracing mystery as an unavoidable fact is a great reminder to all of us on our pursuit of critical transivity. It isn't about celebrating our ignorance but finding ways to be that minimize the harm ignorance exercises on us when left unchecked to form it's peculiar morbid routines. It isn't about some crass personification of the forces of nature but a direct experience with life beyond the known boundaries and the mystery of existence. When people started forcibly converting each other, they set a really, really bad precedent into motion. unfortunately for everybody, those with obviously more sophisticated spiritual practices were fought violently in the name of the current normative spiritual traditons. My suspicion is because the behavior patterns needed to repudiate the onslaught was incompatible with their spiritual constitution at some level. It was still intact and it is always easier to destroy than to build.
Second mistake: militaristic forced conversion to synthetic religion. BOOO! BOO! BOO!
This also conveniently welded the aggressive personality with an alien concept of morality, thus, now discipline(read regimented, preoccupied with rules, obsessed with the right perception and inherently lacking self esteem sufficient to question inequality as they create the lesser other to be sacraficed in themselves in their gesture of loyal abasement to the soverign then project martial judgement on all who are unwilling to folow suit) is frequently confused with the types of value we are taught to desire so we can attain wealth and the favor of our cruel and cold god. This abberation set the foundation for two things. One was a demystification among "thinking" people no longer attached to outcomes of their actions as severed form the earth which accompanied the scientific breakthroughs and the development of empirical scientific process. Second was a capacity for cruelty towards others and nature that could only arise from a hoard of ork like creatures who were denied the connection to beauty and meaning in everyday life and who would hunt down anyone, child, elder, woman, man suspected of cavorting with the devil in similar ways. To me this seems inextricably linked in crucial ways to the eventual rise of colonialism, the slave trade and it's logical conclusion of fascism replete with an ethnic cleansing and social darwinist moral philosophy. Evangelism is the warped and addicted father. Empiricism is the estranged but equally absolutist uncle, who may still be of some use were he to come down from his pompous ivory tower, learn to laugh or something.
Then people went and turned excess driven wealth into a paradigm that the entire world must engage in. Compulsory capitalism! land not owned or used by bussiness interest became manifest destiny from this sensory deprivation disease that infests the minds of those who are blinded by its bling, deafened by the ca ching of cash and dumbed down enough to be spoon fed whatever those in power need you to believe today. War was declared on those against the will of the masters of the universe. Of course only the innocent and the pawns died. Blood stains us all, and it will not disappear no matter how you try to wash it off.
Capitalism is the child, the child that tantrums when it does not get its way. The child who over simplifies the world. The fickle child who has no self esteem but cannot keep itself from showing of. The selfish child. Capitalism, always with the next thing to sell, the dream of wealth without work, miraculous, growing, like vines, suffocating everything, cancerous. Capitalism, the child who just can't learn and has no one to step in and say "stop! NO!" Spoiled, vindictive, unkempt. Capitalism would rather despoil the entire world than let us try, in case we are right. In case they are wrong. And if they can't have everything, then no one will have anything....
Capitalism is ready for a nap, or better yet ready to grow up dialectically.
In summary, the thought I started out with is that we keep making these awful choices as a species. Not everybody because there are still some isolated people who are lucky enough to not have had contact(or very much contact) with this disease, and there are those of us who have made it through and seen their way of life as a natural conclusion to the sustainability question. Who do we follow, what we do, what we think about, how do we allow ourselves to be lead by fear. These questions keep coming up in our dialect, because the answers just aren't what you might hope they would be. This current dilemma, the econopocalypse is the end result of ten thousand years of failing to make the right choices and we've finally been pinned down by it. The triumphalism was never more than cheering and jeering by the fans in the stand watching the game but never knowing what the rules should be, nor what would happen at the end of the game. Most just always just rooted for the team with the better marketing gimmick, and that was what it was all about, that was the substance to their triumphalism. The future is plain and has no wrapper, it simply is because there must be more to why we exist with all of these complicated thoughts and emotions that to divert our attention or to indulge in some eternal consumerist hunt for deals or whatever. We're not just going to die off, and I'm sure arrogance will drive people to draw the line in the sand with their creature comforts. That is auto selection I guess so adaptation is a key survival skill now.
You(probably to some extent) and I make the pendulum swing, and i keep looking for a good place to jump off before I just say FUCK IT! and jump off wherever I am. because where else will i ever be otherwise, just the same back and forth. work, home, work, home, hope, despair, hope, despair, seasons go by ever faster. no time for this, no time for that, family's getting older, closer to death... will I ever see my grandmothers again? no time, back and forth running in circles, debt, wealth, debt, wealth, death................
all the while the sound of flowers dying.
As they die, so do I watch the terxture fade of true wealth in hope and dreams of life not for profit, but just to be lived. It must be realized before the portal closes.
In the spirit of total resistance.- Orphelin de Nephilim
Monday, February 23, 2009
only you can prevent false scarcity
What I came to realize a bit earlier, it's not where you locate, it's who you locate with. Maybe I'll be fine just outside of town, or even in town, who knows. What I do know is that it will be different everywhere. I know that I don't want to be an outsider stranded halfway around the world from where I belong.
So I had an idea to form a survivalist collective with friends and family. I will ask people who I know if they are interested in agreeing to try to meet up and find each other somewhere safe and liveable. We can come up with ideas and probably multiple networks and work on pooling our resources without dislocating and bugging out too early.
I'm not your typical survival type. I believe a society is reinforced by it's tolerance and it's ability to resolve conflicts in ways that benefit the most people. I believe education as a tool of critical thought is the defacto foundation for sound decision making crucial to any participatory democratic society. I am pro gun, pro self defense, eco-imperitive, anti authoritarian, inclusive wealth equals sharing anomaly. The next world will be on a smaller scale, with spiritual challenges and rewards, with human interaction and celebration the root source of our will to go on as opposed to the techno-economic straightjacket that suffocates us and ransoms us out piecemeal with paychecks and gadgetry. I believe rent and interest equals exploitation, and things on too large of a scale poison their surroundings . We should only pay as far as things cost, and scale can yield us a livealble sustainable world with plenty of room for everybody to contribute what they are good at, or to further develop what they could be good at. Overcoming the scarcity mindset is a meditative purpose of mindfulness. Also, by the time we actually produce the things that sustain each other we will find the cure to 90% of mental illness and alienation we experience currently. We will experience the evaporation of the idiocy of opinion replaced with the dull grit of practicality which can polish us into something evolved instead of obscuring us in a cloud of hot air. The fall will be marked with people dying foolish deaths and in as far as society can prevent sectarian bloodshed such as has been found in Iraq, sub saharan Africa, or Afghanistan so will it be successful. Once a place goes down that road, don't expect it to end, time to move on. So we have to preserve peace in as far as possible and first order is destroying conventional notions of ownership and distribution to alleviate the despair that would otherwise arise from false scarcity, thereby restoring a sense of community where we are all ultimately responsible to each other to preserve the liveability of our surroundings and the safety of our families and friends.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I've been saying this for way too long. I should be in a primitivist bunker(cave?) somewhere living off of rations but apparently I'm just not that talented or organized. Instead I'm congratulating myself for fighting off a bread crust of illegal debt thanks to this website. When what we need is more of this guy's ideas. Write down NOW! why should anyone be honest when it comes to debt when we can be assured they are going to follow a straight line trajectory into catastrophe which we're all lined up to hit. It's all going exactly as someone planned it to go, because there is just no logical excuse otherwise unless incompetency has been purified into some everyday substance the gross majority of people have no chance of avoiding exposure to. That kind of plausible deniability on this scale just doesn't add up, and even if it did, we really are fucked either way as far as capitalism saving anything for its lumpens who are now the bottom 95% of us thanx so much popular culture and MSM....
I guess it's a good time to blow whatever credit you have left on doing those things you wanted to before you died, because for most of the people out there, that's going to be the next phase. We won't see a debt write down without a population write down, and now that we can all be sure some military/ nsa intelligence wonk is proof reading all of this after that first article.
Here's a note to you and all of your buddies: your superiors lie to you, they make shit up to get you thinking they know something no body else does because the world can't handle the truth. Ever heard of this speech by Gen. Smedley Butler? Or Eisenhower's warning about the military industrial complex? Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel's backyard wars are all just weapons testing exercises in live fire conditions and assymetrical psychological operations so you all have the practice to control a huge well armed country full of angry people here. Refuse the orders to repress your fellow citizens when we rise up against our debt slavery. Join us. Don't be a tool for the ruling class, use your intelligene to make a better world. Lead the way with your bravery of dissent and perhaps many of your comrades will see your example and recognize your leadership. The Milgram experiments were shown to be less effective when somebody had the courage to defy authority and bear that unknown consequence. You may well find yourself at the precipice of a moment when you will be asked to do things that may catch up with you in a trial of crimes against humanity if you don't find the strength to refuse.
Maybe there is still some spark and shadow of heroism left in military service despite the rote brainwashing they force everyone to go through ... I'm almost certain we will be finding out in the next few years when they are called up to confront those of us who actually believe in the realization of freedom, not it's mockery in this current form, not it's inversion as it's mirage of the abstract higher ideal. Freedom as tangible practice, practice which encourages more of it, wealth as generosity in proportion to what you have and as a common good so that everyone has something and we find that shared something to be what's worth defending... the terms of the debate are getting starker by the hour even if you don't want it to go there. It's like the countdown to hide and go seek has started on some grand scale.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The False Face Sky.
I was gonna post this thing I wrote the other day. Same call for the same shit that I don't expect to happen. although it is amusing that the economy has collapsed, albeit who knows if the shell game is really up or if the illusion makers can pull off another convincing scheme to get the majority believing in belief again. I hope it's really on it's permanent way down, not because I wish peoples dreams and expectations to fail, just so we can come up with a real solution when those people finally give up on this shit brained idea of ...... whatever form of expletive capitalism you prefer to call it. The word expletive represents all expletives not any particular one since I couldn't think of just one descriptive word for it.
Believing in belief. sounds absurd doesn't it? The one useful thought I had recently had to do with that old beaten dead horse I always drag out from under my bed for these blogs: the Mohawk Valley Formula. No link, guess you'll have to google it or swallow the big pill and read some of the older shit on here. This interview with Michael Hudson caught my attention and filled in the missing intellectual link.
besides finding his debt writedown solution the only reasonable one so far, this quote caught my attention:
" I learned the reality a few years ago in London, talking to a commercial banker. 'We’ve had an intellectual breakthrough,' he said. 'It’s changed our credit philosophy.'
'What is it?' I asked, imagining that he was about to come out with yet a new magical mathematics formula?
'The poor are honest,' he said, accompanying his words with his jaw dropping open as if to say, “Who would have guessed?'"
There it is. The end result of the formula is a mass audience with some significant portion watching or, reading it for a pastime, finding themselves in the hall of MSM illusions and simulacra believing their artificial and cherry picked narratives which tend to filter heavily any appearance of class. Thus we are given the bootstrap philosophy, the blame the weak philosophy, the rich are just like you and me philosophy... and here we have it, the annointing of the rich as a self made nobility. It scaffolds the illusion of support and legitimacy over our whole society. It redefines their legitimacy in a shared landscape with the default state of existence in the larger culture. While it doesn't share the wealth, it does share in this mystical simulacra common the filtered reflection of reality. This creates a false consciousness bolus among the conventional which lends to the myth that you can work hard and be honest and some day merit a larger share. That being possible makes it a fair system. That myth being extremely unlikely makes it's representation as such the realm of speculation amongst the cynical, the jaded, the agitators, those who appreciate irony, and those who recognize it for what it is. In short it is an enormous, shrouded lie that leads to wasted lives in so many avenues and is of such a scale most people can't recognize it for not being the real sky, because it has filled up the sky for their entire lives and the lives of their recent ancestors.
Maybe no one even believes any of this shit any more beyond the incredibly naive. But of those that do how many possess the aptitude for self reflection to sort out the fact or fiction that models their actions? What I'm looking for is some reason as to why no one reacts. Are they really happy enough as it is? Is it learned helplessness? Is it some combination of fear and greed? Is it some variation of the Milgram experiment and a majority just go along with whatever anyone who seems to fit the archetype of someone who knows what they are doing regardless of the outcome?
The bigger question, and the better one to me is how do we interrupt this meme? Can anybody do anything about it, and could anyone know what the next step is beyond this incredible collective hangover which hasn't seen daylight yet? Do we co-opt it or better yet modify it into a vaccination against obedience to the point of stupidity and self destruction. Or is that a fool's errand? Do we help it crash or do we try to figure out where we can avoid it's chemical reactions as it decomposes violently? I guess reaction is up to the individual. How many out there would rather talk about action in it's pure context, only to find that everything is a reaction from this monstrosity, navigating it's communicative medias, dealing with it's pre-fab opinions, and it's legions of dysfunctional waste. So many things ruined, and when the tsunami comes, then comes a whole new scale of reaction, a whole new set of parameters, a whole new development in the war for control versus decontrol and the possibility for untethered action.
Monday, February 2, 2009
nihilism can be the best answer for some things
The problem with 'ideologies" is that they are blanket solutions to complex layered problems. There are instances where democracy is a very preferable system for decision making. There are other choices that do not lend themselves so much to the same process. It requires a proper situation, a mentality amongst the people that lends itself to cooperative endeavors where advocacy for one's rights or rights of those close to you is not mutually exclusive with the rights of all collectively. For example, political opposition to pollution controls make no sense in any way except as a narrow advocacy of a special interest which is influential beyond the scope of it's actual actions due to accumulated excess value traded on the market and earmarked for that corporate person to extend itself in it's one or two dimensional way into politics. It automatically and adversely reacts to changing the business model out of fear. Direct democracy or anarcho-syndicalism even could not be relied on to enforce a different set of mores if the livelihood of those involved was questioned or jeopardized. It could be expected that if such a progressive model worked it's way into power that there might be a different conventional understanding of interrelationships such as pollution to the greater well being of the people and ecosystems happening in and around it. However, there is no defacto a priori reason precluding the present status quo form being more convenient and thus the rational choice.
In the same sense anarchism applies to being an ideal we should strive for in many ways. But human nature being what it is, what is there to preclude a place with fascist culture from acting the way everyone there felt they were born to act and invading their peaceful neighbors? The biggest problem with the total lack of power is that it must be an cultivated and ingrained cultural philosophy much in the same way democracy needs certain planning and reasoning skills to be a norm in order to function for the needs of it's participants.
That said, we see a very unusual version of socialism rearing its grotesque head as the american experiment attempts to bail itself out of the next great depression, the same logic spouting forth from some very conservative (or assumed to be) minds. Here is where the political system starts to unravel. To look towards the point of this bailout is to perceive the silhouette of the beast called capital attempting to be resuscitated by any means available to its keepers. There is nothing they will not do to try to maximize the life and reach of this horrible expression of human ingenuity which has wrecked the planet's ecosystems, and created massive problems no one has the tools to solve (or the will to use them if they did).
That said, here we have a time for nihilism. Destroy all of the illusions! We must. It's more than mere iconoclasty, this requires a revision of what our options are as human beings with conscious free agency. If this wretched system is taken off the table, well then what is there to replace it that is not as bad or worse? Every day is another choice to continue to participate. We choose to accept money for our meager share of responsibility in eco-cide, the genocide of indigenous cultures still outside of the wicked machine, the repression of each other not simply by having a universal system of representational valuation e.g. money, but by it's extremely gross mal-distribution, leading to poverty, chaos, intensely horrific living conditions and a whole host of malefic wraiths caused by excess and deprivation still lingering in the rotting forms of past prejudices.
This line of reasoning appeared to me earlier today as a vision of the future.
I foresaw a TV news program, perhaps many programs, with the regular talking heads saying the opposite of what they used to preach.
The scenario is the extreme devaluation of
An erogenous zone of sorts will be passing by, boosting exports, but alas….
We’ve spent the past five decades eroding all of our manufacturing capacity,
and all we can make
and sell anymore are
autos nobody wants or can afford,
weapons nobody should wish upon even their enemies, and
drugs which are technically legal only because we control the entire process outright to the point where we can force them on the unwilling(e.g. vaccines and certain psychotropics in some circumstances).
Remember that these talking heads reversing themselves is necessary for the continuity as they are like beloved characters from TV shows with whom we are taught to identify as recipients of perpetual one way discourse. They have been given authority by virtue of us being forced to look at them, listen to them and refute their terrible nonsensical illogic.
They are perpetual distraction, and even if you can avoid them you can't avoid others tainted by their exposure to emotional based logic who are vulnerable to being sold a bill of goods.
During the hyper inflation,
you will hear about the recovery over and over again,
with the fake-it-till-you-make-it crowd being given the bullhorn trying to coerce battered people who’ve already been hoodwinked by the outward logic of the system to believe things are fundamentally restored.
Things are fundamentally retarded as far as the economy goes,
no offense intended to those with physiological based developmental issues please,
but it is an exact descriptive of the system and it's effects on human development.
Conventional logic dictates that then "they" can take the money out of their mattresses and
bring it back to the casino for the professional gambling addicts on wall street to play with.
However, hark, what have we here: no one is buying debt, still even though we’ve stayed so faithful to the exact reason and logic that caused this incredibly unbalanced system to lose its balance and fail.
It’s not failure. It’s a logical sequence.
As it gains steam and becomes oppressively obvious that the old ways are not going to ever work again, just when people would be ripe to consider creating a world of possibilities unshackled from the boundaries of scandalous acquisition being sanctified by lobbyists, lawyers, politicians and courts; this call will go out. “We need to redevelop our national industries outside of the pressures of the international markets telling us what we can do, where we can do it, and how we can do it.” This will be the resurgence of american protectionism. The ugly twin of the neo-liberal globalization, a twin because it serves the immediate needs of it's one true master: those whose existence and needs trump all the rest of ours because? They worked the system. They exploited the opportunities. They worked their way to the top. They inherited it from long lines of blue blood. The point? They are better, worth more even though in death they will share a fate with everyone else who ever existed, with every living creature. Maybe, maybe not, but that's how the system acts on their behalf.
There will be increasingly nationalistic bleating about jobs, and a new anti-free trade tack may even be welcomed at first blush by those of us opposed to its monstrosity as it currently plays out.
Unfortunately this will be the sign on the road to fascism that we've reached the suburbs and we're almost there. The refrigerated leftover ethos of the "war on terror" will be turned over to the "war to save the economy", since that is what it has always been about. They will make it's fate tied tightly to yours in as far as they can.
Another ploy to act ostensibly in the interests of the masses, while it is really about protecting the position of power of the ruling class.
It will be a way where they will be able to mitigate the full impact of having worthless currency that equals money losing meaning as a prime motivator for human behavior. Maybe the borders will even be sealed.
I’m not saying what replaces it will be any better should the system fail haphazardly. I'm sure it would be a wide spectrum of things in different places , or even many different things in the same location (or near location).
It could be better, but only if we accept possibility and think forward logically from that point. ( my feeling of total decay being inevitable puts me on a fringe I’m willing to occupy).
Without any planning it will surely be worse, but since people are always planning, it will depend a lot on who is planning what and where they are.
IMHO, the best ideas for dealing with this stuff, unfortunately for most centrists, it’s an old bogeyman they have long been taught to fear in the self interest of their masters. A thing called libertarian socialism.
It was developed to deal with serious class inequalities that inevitably are generated by unfettered wealth accumulation models when they stop being able to function due to fundamental flaws. Like accumulating so much wealth at the top it dries up the consumer spending model it lives on. SUPRISE!!!
Good riddance I say, consumer spending only exacerbates eco-cide, and without it, only make the next world more likely before more eco-cide has occurred. So hurry up and bungle it already, but be sure to bungle it right so it loses credibility forever and the weirdo future fascists can deify and fetishize this modern world as their sociopathic dystopian ideal already.
Cooperative models can't work without a reconventionalization of notions of property for the benefit of most people, a redistribution for excess holdings to equitable distribution. Don't think of it as taking away from grandma, unless she is super wealthy, more likely it will be guaranteeing your grandma will never go without ever again. Anybody coming down off their high horses is probably somewhat culpable, needs a dose of reality pills and should consider themselves lucky if they get off better than your peers from the French Revolution. I'm not saying I'm for it, it just happens to be what they deserve.
Fixing the current system almost inevitably will be able to do nothing but promote current inequitable situations, albeit with another bandage solution to a mortal wound.
The banks should fail. The markets should fail. There should be crises that reflect reality. Only through debt elimination and equitable redistribution can we face and deal with the root causes of social malaise. Only through a new community where basic needs are guaranteed as is the ability to contribute towards the world meeting those needs can we evolve beyond this current dystopic status quo which is strangling the world in social and ecological ruin.
Imagine your debts are illusions, scarcity can be overcome if enough people decide they can cooperate to help each other meet their basic needs. This could be the purifying fire that should presage a better world, but like all things much sacrafice should be expected. When society's demands grow to absurd proportions, then we must all(or maybe just enough of us) refuse. In anticipating this moment, people everywhere should develop the tools needed to cooperate through the stress of that breaking point, only us supporting each other can yeild a bearable world in the end. Go ahead meet yourt neighbors. If you don't like them meet the next group of people who live slightly further away. If they don't work either maybe consider your interpersonal skills as a revolutionary weapon and talk to yourself in the mirror or something.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Make it plain!
it is here. There will be no salvation as the crass imagine themselves with their chosen visages lifted up into the streaming sunlight poking through rumpled grey clouds.
You too must live through the economic bomb devastating, devastating your natural shelters.
There will be no mercy except in as far as the community suffering this collapse provides refuge from the irrational laws of dying market driven false consciousness, and from the outsiders hungry, desperate and lost to any resemblance of the current morality it is presumed that we all indulge in.
There will be no second chance for the bankers turned beggars, who still presume themselves lord over us: those defiled by their schemes, by their systems of rigged "justice" and savage, inequal distribution of the byproducts of labor.
The lion will lay with the lamb as we are all brought to the same level and no one has abstract wealth to control the order of property. Some with too much now and must not be given the chance to continue in tyranny as that was their role in this last dying world. They must go to history with the titans as new self realized gods rise up and grasp their fate from the clutches of those who no longer know what to do with it. the new class must reinforce this by spreading its ethos vigorously with all those willing to embrace and defend the concept of self empowerment for the good of the group as an extension of the individual, not the glorification of the individual for its own sake.
We can, and I'm sure will, wait. There's no we about us as of right now. Whether I and others have called the idiocy of two+ wars and the worst presidency ever, the impossible structure of the economy from well and far before it doesn't make any sense to the rest of you, they amongst the masses propping up centrist opinion will continue to suckle at the teat of mass media ignorance, and draw more nonsensical opinions from the center of a far right skewed dystopia. Those who make the rest of us wait with their cowering in fear and loathing until the problem is so bad that the ignorant, the racists, the violent, the repressed will try to take this and force it into the mold that their logic requires, and the DD&B centrists will likely believe them first. After all they are closer to the oppressive values that got us here in the first place. People like you and I who if not free, are at least trying to become free (free from the slavery of modern doings) can scarcely wait for the rest to catch up. We will be the first, the ones blamed for gravity going down and taking the economy with it. We who can see the emperor without clothes and believe that which our eyes tell us are undoubtedly dangerous, not because we are likely to incite a crime, but because we could potentially rectify a far larger one. Yet between now and when this crisis finally plows deep into hell like a meteroite, these last moments, it's true for all of us: memento mori : carpe diem. The sky is falling. It's just, not everybody can tell right yet because it's all around us, drawn down by the same constant of gravitational pull.
I thought earlier, according to the graphs on the link, it's like for the last 18 or so years, we've run off the edge of the cliff and our momentum carried us forward over the abyss. we could look up and argue about whether the old paradigm of economic cycles even applied to the new prosperity, much like the perpetual dynasty of republican leadership, this myth now falls before us. a long descent from a stratospheric concentration of power and control which must yield this message if there could be but one and no other: NEVER AGAIN! Never again will we sacrifice each other in the name of something as putrid and pathetic as wage slavery. Never again will we let those in power experiment with us, prone like victims of some new universal holocaust(albiet one of varying degrees according to race, gender and national origin), a plaything for the experiments of souless technocrats curious as to what happens when shocks are applied to tender spots, or starving bodies. Never again can we allow ourselves to be diverted nor instructed by a media sycophant orchestrated by the exploitation class. Never again can we ever trust people to think for us, and not use that opportunity for their gain at our expense. I say these words to anyone who might listen, not because I expect crowds roaring in the streets, but out of a compulsive nature, as the gravity of small objects ultimately obeys the gravity of far larger ones. There is no denying where we are headed. Invest in parachutes, jump out of the market now and convert money, stocks, nest eggs whatever into any form of hard wealth that people will need when we have an infinitely fractionalized economy: land, and in it space to set your infastructure, permaculture, medicinal plants and know-how, metal working (casting & smithing), tool making, electricity generation(or waterwheels for kinetic energy based tools), self defense, spare parts. Those who have those things and carefully maintained social ties will have less regret and less nostalgia for the dystopia in the defunctopia.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
nothing will be saved
hot vibration, like an electric current
the light compressed
series of image experiences
just enough to torture me with deja vu
just enough to remember the forboding
here is the ever present broken dichotomy
I can't hear you over its silent noise
I see it as a geyser spewing energy
of unknown origin
towards an unknown destination
washing away meaning,
leaving behind the bla[n](c)k canvas
of post mortemism
moving me into the realm of incongruity
st(r)uck with words hanging out of my mouth
like tendrils of emesis
from this disease of conscious thought
bound to action
through the process of alienation
will I make it through?
I know some part of me has to die
but will it be the part that keeps me alive?
still just feeling so heavy,
suspecting nanotech:
microscopic chemical warheads detonate
and spill their nerve agents all over my synapses
it's in the peanut butter and the puppy chow
i've seen so many others dealing with it too
these words are all i have left of spent privilege
it brings me no meaning, leaves me no meaning
doubt i'll live to see the day
or would even be able to recognize it
should things return to a state of equilibrium.....
without needing to find that one reason left to
indulge in my cortisol addiction
sick of the same problems
leading to the same situations
leading to the same tensions
leading to the same conclusions
leading to the same delusions......
Saturday, January 17, 2009
prometheus still conspires
This is for thinking big picture, you asked for the moon, now you have it what do you do with it?
unfortunately, we know what the neo-con moon world looks like, what if the pendulum really swings?
I suppose it starts with some blank slate scenario.
Some economic disaster levels the playing field,
depresses property values,
sweeps away the power of wealth or at very least the illusion that wealth is something other than a running tab on a computer somewhere that thinks itself special, and in some places where there is less to live and die for than others.
enter stage left: "The People" (that is those willing to act on their own behalf) get together and say: what are we going to do about this? in Greek chorus, or cacophony more likely.
side note: I'm against any form of capitalism that enshrines things over the lives of the people in this society. Any system which could develop as potent a tool for self reflection as modern civilization has, only to discard and marginalize the uncomfortable parts and use the internally designated "useful stuff" to develop increased measures to force participation in their hideous system by any and all means available.
I would monologue & diatribe with the following :
Take the mixed Socialism model, e.g. Scandinavia with some radical Venezuela mixed in, or vice versa.
Logically amplify it to a sustainable level,
Reverse the class war gains, excessive wealth "givebacks", no escape e.g. off shoring, emigrating, selling off properties, if you leave, you leave your "excess" wealth.
If the excessively wealthy prefer to leave than live in socialism, then they must leave behind whatever assets i.e. means of production etc. that are under their control, so wealth cannot take flight or use other tools in its illusion to cripple alternatives from working out of the gate.
Institute a Maximum Wage,
a single home/ condo/apartment unit maximum(no more rent or property taxes), with other places and units such as 2nd homes, etc, that are lotteried off for a months stay in a season of your choosing.
an acreage max(enough to sustain yourself and a family of 4) for those who prefer that lifestyle, an asset cap as mentioned,
everybody is taken care as far as health care, and food/clothing shelter, in exchange for a fair # hours per week, doing grunt work in remediating the environment, building new communities, whatever your most apt to be able to do developing a new sustainable agricultural model.
popular workshops help to bridge the gap and help average people adapt to this model and get the most out of it, help them organize, advocate and join the social discussion to draw society towards their vision.
Eventually, this society is immersed in the participatory process.
Everybody has had the opportunity to learn how cooperative models of social organization function.
You have compulsory exams in hard sciences? you need compulsory education in cooperative social models, in applied critical theory, nothing could make for a sharper more far thinking democracy than one that had the capability to grasp long term issues, and not fall for the short term traps currently found everywhere we turn. people are taught to loathe the concept of concentrated and tyrannical power by learning the true stories of it's unnecessary excesses, and living it's alternative.
There would be intolerance for intolerance although this is the rim of the the slippery slope towards stalinist hell.
Taking all of the know-how of production and distribution, first you extract the corporation from it's imaginary role, then utilize it's productivity and efficiency to reduce the collective work load.
Utilize it's breaking tasks into easily trainable components and educate all who are interested in becoming doctors or other healing practicioners.
There could be 10-15 hours of social orientated work per week for everybody which would guarantee all basics, food, clothing, medical care, education and to a lesser extent shelter.
governement would set policy over those areas and try to oversee local production of all elements as much as possible, while keeping sustainability in the fore.
endeavors to add diversity, creativity and innovation sustainably could fill the spare time of those who were interested in it, with artisanship. Those without need for that could do without it. If a barter economy or local currency worked for an area it would be easily achievable. If a group of people agreed to try an make a go of a self sustaining anarchist non-state region, they could utilize the socialist government to set it up.
As far as regulatory entities, only people with the deepest respect for anti-authoritarianism, who could grasp the importance of everybody working to sustain such a tenuous proto-utopia could reckon judgement fairly on others, likely only for transgressing another person's health and welfare when the community did not or could not deal with it, or in cases of pollution/ deforestation, etc. which by extension is violence against the larger surrounding communitities. More important those vested with such responsibilities would not have jail as a bandaid catch all, but would have to approach such problems as conflict resolution or reeducation activities. Repeat or seriously offensive conduct could lead to treatment for mental illness if that were possible or an enforced exile, that border being the only militarized one left in the world. There would still be some need, people given every freedom and the most positive environment possible still would act on long programmed instincts, or react against their environment with irrationality.
Mass public transportation would be the norm with a modest scale of personal vehicles available to share or own. Green development standards would become the only building and planning standards for to do it any other way is at the collective expense of the group whose fate is shared by the happenings on the face of the earth.
People would devote non-collective work time to small market manufacture or development, these things could be sold, or traded and people could accumulate some wealth if that was how their local community was configured, but after hitting a maximum wage or maximum asset ceiling, surplus value would be directed towards meeting other needs in society, or perhaps trading for otherwise unavailable raw materials with countries still organized around a monetary system, although that would want to be minimized as much as possible over time. If this were unfeasible, it is feasible that the governing entity would retain control over means of productions in key areas to give it the ability to negotiate with other states as needed for raw goods it could not source itself feasibly.
The real shift would be from a society based on circulation of spending surplus wealth (consumer driven) to one that can meet all essential needs and still allow for a fraction of that type of activity while encouraging and freeing people to develop themselves intellectually, spiritually, and creatively, instead of having an agglomeration of shared consumerist experiences and the omnipresent experience of their being no point to any of it.
This model allows for a situationist type experiemnt to exist, or to have space to work itself out amongst those who agree upon that ideology, it allows for a marxist version to attempt to see if that philosophy works in praxis, it allows for libertarians, while protecting the liberty of all from the tyranny of over accumultated wealth, and environmental ruin to run a (albeit hobbled) free market based experiment, it allows for people who like having a state organize things for them do that, with the added option of their having a say in the process, a say in the decisions, not a vote, but actual discourse. It gives people the freedom to reorganize themselves as they wish to take freedom without risking it all, so the valid ideas amongst the chaff will stand out and humans can continue to evolve. The discourse and the interaction between these experiements would be intense and would likely bear new experiements we haven't even dreamed of from necessity.
Permanently eliminating excess wealth is an integral part to fighting poverty because the two are inextricably linked. Same with the environment and its degradation. What is needed is a horizontal expansion, a recognition that people should not sort themselves into these extreme contortions that ultimately benefit the few but create by proxy the millions of unethical scenarios where people try to get ahead at the expense of others, or their surroundings which become part of the mosaic of the planets ecosystems. The extinction of endangered species by poaching requires fetishized body parts on the black market somewhere the creature usually is already extinct. Someone has such an aggregate amount of wealth on hand, willing to pay for it beyond what the risk of getting caught killing, trafficking, or selling those body parts. The vendor must have such a need for basic necessities, the decision to kill the endangered creature would probably almost make itself. People might hold back for ethical reasons, but if your family is starving and you've no alternative means to sustain yourself, that's a failure of the economic model, not the individual. Remove their poverty, and you would remove a major impetus for not only poaching but slash and burn rainforest agriculture, illegal logging, illegal fishing, passing poisonous toxic waste as medicine, economic distortions from illegal immigration, illegal pollution and dumping, sex slavery, and the exploitation of children, drug wars, paramilitary death squads, all of these things are fueled by poverty providing a recruitment incentive for work that can easily get you killed, or to protect another persons advantage. Because the extremely wealthy are so wealthy others are so impoverished, this is the only logical conclusion. The two need not be directly related, they are kept in relation by the system of valuation as it currently (dys)functions.
Extend this to all the real ills in the world and far too often it's about people in precarious places trying to get a lock on the veins on wealth in that society to extend that benefit to their clan or tribe. Most people would do anything to protect their loved ones.
The creed is simple: "do no harm". Protect both the freedom to and freedom from. Freedom to wear what we like, to associate with who we like, to live where we like(to a point), but also the freedom from other peoples so called "freedom" inflicting unnecessary burdens on everyone else. Attack all of the ways our economy is currently burning through the futures share of clean water, air, soil, healthy ecosystems, and humans living making the world less work dependent, and more functional, where there is increasingly less stratification by class, inter social stressors (i.e. traffic, lines, unnecessary labor, more emphasis on human development, people making informed choices, remediating the ills of the past, education, etc. )
People need to respect the integrity of ecosystems. That will need to be empowered with a set of tools to try empower that individual in society by its ideals.
What would make this world actually work would be :
1)a sizable number of people (~1%+) who really engage reality with some places having a much higher concentration of like minded individuals.
This does not need to be total devotion of revolution 24 hours a day. You will find very few converts to an austerity regime, so all should use parallel process and be tolerant of each others choices as long as the work gets done. The dual power project must be a microcosm, an unsterile labratory, and versatile enought to recognize the winds in the society around it and ride them to their best ability.
2)this means space.
Part of ideas becoming reality is happening, writing is a pre-preliminary step. Action is what you do. Now right now I write, I think, I talk and I plan. So do others, some of whom I dialogue with (sometimes I get excited and talk more than I listen, I know, I do apologize).
Anyone can act on an impulse. How do we get beneth the control mechanism and sort towards those impulses towards this freedom? How can we discover where the freedom instinct in ourselves is suppressed? How to you begin to awaken this coiled force inside of you, true power, like a Kundalini rush or the holy spirit making you roll on the floor and talk in tongues.... It's not the god someplace else, it's that force inside of you, trying to get out, trying to be recognized and learning to recognize it in in others, Namaste.
But space as in the space needed is not found in an instant we still face this paper monster of illusory wealth and its enforcing minions. An aggregate of instants will someday soon stand bravely, fully expecting it's own repression and anticipating those actions to it's advantage as the only solution possible must. It must be formed from instants and experiences into a base community, a place where the next place can be modeled and discussed, where it's talents can be honed and it's issues tried out to develop the working model, the dynamic force that will have the universal adaptation qualities to meet the needs of millions of individuals each suffering from the symptoms of this hell on earth in their own individual way.
Education must be reconsidered completely. From an exercise in reenacting rote skills as some homage to the past, education must become what is truly meant by the term: critical analysis and praxis, advocating for the self, the whole self, and not the economic animal in the context of those artificial sciences, but the living creature in relationship to it's place in the world, and as it's fate must be tied to the land, air and water the fate of the land, air and water. Teaching the self to realize its importance in the scheme of all the different communities it interacts with, also teaching the individual information on their body and their health, the impact of their choices, and the nature of choice itself. In short school should be a time when people are gripped by the thrill of becoming an a higher state of being, not as some magical process of insider favors and exclusivity but someone who realizes the importance of spiritual development, of creation and artisanship, of developing and nurturing the human bonds in the world around them, instead of being torn up and assorted by the needs of a hierarchy only to be left shredded and expected to go home reconstitute themselves and take more disfigurement. The fact that so many people do this rote self injurious behavior makes the type of mental illness associated with it ubiquitous, something we can't ever get away from even if we vanquish the paradigm in our own lives.
Education is the missing ingredient, this kind of education can start at anytime where people can begin minimizing the presence of the rote disease from society at large. It is so insidious it travels on the EMF waves in the air, waiting to be decoded and recoded by viewers like you. Education is why the greatest outrage today is the lack of outrage. Where was it? Education in this sense demonstrates that it can succeed both at dumbing down and turning a population into inert matter, just as liberation theology and pedagogy have driven many places especially in Latin America closer towards the vision I share of what a free world looks like.
These three elements are what are needed for a growing self reinforcing culture dedicated to bringing peoples better qualities to the front, and developing the skill sets and precedents so that that society has extensive norms by which it can self regulate. I firmly believe that not all people can change, not all will want to change, but among the many who do and who can, it may require generations to finally break old habits formed by millenia of repression. The question is where does all of this best work now? There must be many places, but can people afford to live there, or has class war erected another fence to the privledge of basic human rights? What are the crucial ingredients missing, and can outside help or increases in numbers make a real difference? Is there somewhere out there with excess capacity, an open inclusive community that is mature and critical, sees the big picture and is able to transmit an inspiring vision through the communty which resists dilution even as the community grows and as an incresingly diverse community of people access and share that common dream?
What are the essential questions? Vultures, by all means, tear this a new liver. 1st question: housing? What do we do with sprawl developments and mcmansions?
develop new communities that reuse housing stock or building material from housing stock, dwellings of excessive scope require additonal persons inhabit according to square footage determined by someones other than me.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Venus visibly emerging from inferior conjunction had another Halloween like terror inspiring quality associated with it. That was the Xux Ek translated to mean the wasp star. Spears of light that emerged from the unusual dawn killed groups of people according to the 13 day week it occured during. This was also the reenactment of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli's attempted coup against the sun, Tonatiuh, and his subsequent banishment and transformation into Itzlacoluhquiuh, god of cold, frost, ice, and punishment which was refered to as "sticks and stones", as that was what you were battered with.
People went as far as covering their chimney to prevent the light of the Xux Ek from entering their home. The first day of the trecena preceding the event determined who the victims would be. It could be women in childbirth, children, old people, leaders, men and women, it was always different. During years favorable to such endeavors, wars were launched to coincide with this occurence and modern archeoastronomers dubbed this the original "Star Wars". So this coming April Fools day, we find ourselves in the middle of the five unlucky days and with Venus emerging from inferior conjunction with the sun. This is like the equivalent of Halloween on Friday the 13th under a blood red full moon, by the ancient Mexican ritual calendar.
All of this gloom and doom on the horizon caused me to recall the old Hopi "Prophecy Rock" at Oraibi I read about fifteen years ago in Rex Wyler's book : "Blood of the Land" . This petroglyph has been explained to foretell the demise of this civilization. These prophecies were also referenced in the movie Koyaanisquatsi. They point out contrails in the sky, electric grids and highways crossing the land, atomic weapons, and our demise from said weapons. All the while they, being the traditionalists, are just trying to keep it real, plant some corn and take the simple road. Sign me up...
FFWD>>: this article in the Guardian forwarded to me today by the SSN listserve:
Rural idyll or terrorist hub? The village that police say is a threat to the state.
This headline goes on to describe some individuals who came together to create another world, all the slogans keep telling us are possible. French Government's response? "No!" because apparently ThEy aRe TeRrOrIsTs!!!
This world can seem like such a nightmare.
Does it have to be like Halloween on Friday the 13th everyday somewhere? Can't we all just have a day off from hate and pointless death? From repression and people counting on making billions of dollars a day from other people toiling in jobs they hate for crap they only want until they get, to the point they both can't wait to die, and yet they feel like they never lived.
This article only drives the nail further into my discomfort, that the rich are not going to let go of this sick incestuous wet dream of class exploitation without throwing a tantrum and anybody not down with going down needs to take every precaution. Fuck their living our freedom !!!!! The old order is beyond corrupted, beyond degraded from all the forces of nature doing what they do with corpses, bloated, gassy, meat falling off the bone, stinking so bad, we should all by crying and vomiting. Yet there are those posing amidst the foul gas, pretending this is the way it should be pretending it doesn't stink or that they couldn't care less about it. Others, cruel minions for the property masters taught only enough to follow the next order. They who guard it's deception for no other reason than the right someone told them: look here's how it really is...can you handle the truth? the truth is these people are very dangerous to our way of life, go out and arrest them. Their thoughts are dangerous, go before the cameras and sow falsehoods to keep people scared from their kind, and to inspire fear in those who share their dreams.
Y'know, in this life, it's seems all too easy to read between the lines when this happens, because this shit happens so fucking often it's like a record skipping... Besides scale, how is this different that what happened in Latin America on a state level, Allende's Chile, Arbenz's Guatemala? They could have been models of the idyllic democratic societies dealing with the problems faced by a large majority of people in the world. Instead market forces reacted to instigate genocidal bloodbaths, The dictatorships in Francoist Spain, Uruguay, Greece(hence the base communities which rioted, rooted in the bloody struggles of that age), Brazil, Somoza's Nicaragua, Batista's Cuba, Echeverria's Mexico, El Salvador, Columbia. Watch "When Mountains Tremble" to get a background on what this repression looked like. Looks a lot like the tactics the Nazi's perfected in subduing territory they had over-run by my estimate. The problem is their precious workforce might take freedom a little bit too seriously and stop working for the exploitation model and might awaken into a humane society instead doing the St. Vitus dance to the tune of an insane society.
Do they really expect intelligent people of conscience to never be angry at this wicked machine. The bloodbath in Gaza, the pinnacle of international dystopia, and they, the corporate media, the western nations can't even call it what anyone with eyes to see and a mind to find what Israel is trying so hard to hide! Hey over there! You can't displace all those people and expect them to be OK with it. You can't crowd them into ghettos, separate them in apartheid, lay siege to everything killing them silently and expect them to just die off silently. The rockets look to me, admittedly an outsider looking in, like a desperate hay-maker of a counter punch while they are being strangled by seige. Just because you are big and strong and can kill by smothering doesn't make your seige any less deadly. I'm sure many more Gazans must have died from the siege before the fighting started than Isrelis have died from rocketfire or even invading Gaza at this point. The fear and anxiety in Israel perhaps isn't fear of Hamas or the "Palestinian question" (why does genocide always get framed as an ethnic question?), it's your conscience, our 6 million dead relatives and ancestors who, if their could be any sentience left on their part, must be brought into some form of total spiritual horror, to see their kin and descendants perpetrating similar kinds of violence in the same dehumanizing way, using experimental weapons(DIME),human shields, bombing schools and hospitals, horrific flechette munitions, chemical weapons killing a full 2/3s civillians, 1/3 children!? Collective punishment was just as fucked up when the Nazis used it as it is now. The solution is not and can never be found in the thinking of this kind of extreme militarism.
Back to France and their assault on thie modest dual power project....
What if someone comes up with a functional society that ignores all of the current and dysfunctional society's rules?
What if, "MON DIEU!" dozens or perhaps even hundreds of ordinary people could see what all of us already know, that this world is an inordinate amount of run-around and bullshit, to keep rich people lazy and poor people crazy. To keep power in the bloated corpse, in the history books, a slave of these little tyrants, who would rather cook you with the atmosphere, deny you shelter, clothes, anything even deny you any drop of pure water without tribute to their greatness, interest, fees, profit, FUCK THAT!
It's not rocket science that meets our everyday needs, but it is the perception of needing rocket science that continues the molecular glue which becomes the binding element of our invisible chains.
Don't think about it, walk the process of becoming it. As the anonymous used to say, every journey begins with that first step. You won't always go the right way, but if you keep trying something will happen. Never what you originally expected, but something that was worth doing, something with real meaning.
The scary thought of the day isn't monsters roaming your neighborhood on April fools day, but that otherness you have deformed and disfigured in your own pursuits, possibly holding the key to what we need to learn in this life to not repeat this lesson again. That monster is the mutant form of your open mind, and maybe it's time we meet with the monster inside of us that suppresses us from being and figure out how to best deal with it, how to restore the balance. Here is where meditation can help, in the down time
Here's a better square of Mercury than the first one I posted. The numbers still add up to 260 horizontal and vertical in each line. Things adding up are a basic prerequisite to any meaningful change...

Saturday, January 10, 2009
my solution: does not compute
As the discussion of what the criteria which will indicate the system is "fixed" or that the stimulus plan "worked" e.g the Dow Jones @ 10,000, half of the unemployed reemployed, GDP growth back into the positive, ....Ummm I'm quite honestly hoping none of it will work.
I have no faith that we can ever factor a conscience into this system and without it, it can't help but to act like anything other than a sociopathic monstrosity. The problem is that is how competition works by design. Competing firms try to gain an advantage. Where they exhaust innovation and productivity, inevitably they turn to other measures that incur whatever human or ecological cost it can get away with, whenever is not made responsible for the logical conclusion of it's backdoor exploitation (backdoor being outside the shelf price, costs externalized to taxpayers or affected communities). If we did somehow legislate or otherwise orientate the economy to have sociological factors other than wealth distribution and redistribution, those books would be the first to be cooked, since nobody could possibly be able to undo centuries of self reinforcing authoritarian culture and dysfunctional behavior. A sensitivity training will not change anything.
If we look to the old way, this stop gap measure of failed humanity despite our supposed intelligence, for our solutions....we'll get nothing more than the same old problems repackaged , while offsetting the same predictable day of reckoning, to reappear again in the future. This is magical thinking at it's worst. Wanting to believe a cruel indifferent mechanistic view of the world will grow a heart from the good intentions of the innocents begs the question: Why put so much effort into making ourselves adapt to it when it is so dependent on us to exist? Property is the one illusion barricading us from real considerations of reorganization, but that too is an illusion albeit one that will be contested by your local armed gang of property rights enforcers. Plan on it. While no one can own the earth, and time tells us that it is the earth who owns us, regardless whether embalming fluid slows the process down or not. The legacy of this system now is that of spoiled children having a tantrum, souring the abundance the future might have from the poisionous illusions of privledge and arrogance. This is no time for us to trust others with our best interests. Restored balance approaches but it will require sacrafice, a flowery death of sorts, with the heavens we inherit being that next phase of human existence. Make no mistake that when the time comes the current system will cut you down if it is convenient to it's own immediate ends, so take your pick: As Zapata was famous for saying:¡Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado!
This situation is nothing if not a clarion call for a new way of organizing ourselves as a society, without top down solutions that reinforce and benefit those in power, or enabling another set of power hungry operators from exploiting the opportunity.This is a time for the braver among us to start choosing differently, to start making those everyday momentary choices more to the ends of building the next world, not sacraficing our children to the gods of the old world.
Unfortunately, this is where the years of rote education leave us. Outrage after outrage after outrage, and no substantial action, no substantial movement that challenges power and shakes the system to it's foundations, as a day of reckoning emerges from the burnt hull of these crisis. The population has been swindled and satiated for years with excess credit and debt as a psychological drug substitute for real choices and real praxis in our lives. Nobody can make sense of any of the constituent pieces we have been taught to take for granted in our socio-economic existence, thus we see mass entertainment embracing absurdity, as it is increasingly reflected in our day to day activities. Why is it we have to deal with an astounding amount of incompetence in this world? Is it because we weren't meant to do that which is easiest and most convenient for the ruling class?? Is it because our lives are exchanged for slave wages, debts and other schemes to ensure our dependence in their degrading system of labor? That fairy tale of easy wealth from asset price inflation isn't coming back just as credit will never be the same again even if nothing else changes. A real solution looks nothing like the predecessor which lead us to this wasteland.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
lessons from Exarchia
Key observations are: we need to increase our presence. The action in Greece was ostensibly a reaction to the death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos being a 15 year old anarchist, mobilizing both communities. Riots in France in 05 were widely termed both youth and immigrant, and immigrants had a notable presence early on in the action in Greece. They have plenty to be pissed about. In our own country, there are probably thousands of youth from high schools to colleges to drop outs, with lots of righteous angst, now seeing the curtains crash down around them all over the place revealing a living hell 180 degrees in contradiction to the moral pompous bullshit we can't seem to get away from in the ubiquitous mass media, total saturation of baldfaced lies all the time. How does a community foster their involvement, expression and development of a sophisticated praxis based worldview which in itself is a moment of TAZ and the incubation of dual power?
This has been true for a long time. Those of us old enough to have a greater set of means at our disposal from either our compromised work involved lifestyles(like myself) or the more experienced, ideologically pure sorts of individuals who have found their way outside, need to coordinate and open this front in the battle of ideas.
The key is us developing and maintaining hole space. Holes in capitalism are the places where its successor will be developed. It is a place where the rules of our capitalist society at large are suspended. It is a gradual dual power development strategy and in my opinion one of the most viable methods for social change. Holes will be spaces that are 24/7 free spaces, accessible preferably anytime it is needed, open to the public, gathering places, learning places, safe spaces. This is where the base community forms. The key is to extend the sentiment into the surrounding areas. To develop a walkable community radiating away from the convergence space. Guerrilla gardening, squatting abandoned buildings and other radical activities should coincide with like minded people owning or renting whenever possible, just being near there. It starts with the common space, the music, poetry, reading circles, Food not bombs servings & food pantry, really, really free markets, critical mass bike rides, & bike shares, tool shares, skill shares, potlucks, community gardens, infoshops, hostels and other stuff tbd. These are the basic building blocks of dual power. The next step or concurrent steps is / could be developing a worker owned business to help support the space, developing affordable coops, cohousing of green design buildings. You can do these more advanced development phases at anytime when you have a solid working group of people, but in order to truly try to surpass the boundaries of capitalism, you need a community and whatever resources those people have.... what if something like this already exists in my community, a show space, community center etc etc?
If there is already a space with a similar disposition, then great contribute to making it stronger especially if you don't agree with different points or people involved in running the space. My impression is that most of the time, people are put off by a lack of parallel process, i.e. not practicing what you preach within your own organization. If this is an insurmountable obstacle, then it may be time to factionalize and if possible federate or enter into as mutualist a relationship as is possible and or preferable. Dissent in the process makes people es experience with direct democracy more reality based and less theoretical.
A community needs many of these spaces. Developing a new space that is dedicated to this purpose may help to lead other spaces in this direction, by influencing the people most likely to frequent these spaces. Finding a niche of purposes not already served can help to boost the vibrance of the community. Shared promotion also give the appearence of a growing and coherent social scene apart from shopping malls or school functions which could add cache to it's value as an attraction.
What Greece and Exarchia have that we do not, is base communities with critical mass. The more we as like minded people interact and offer mutual aid in everyday life, the greater the community proper will become, the more it will be capable of agency, the more we can develop an alternative to the economy and state. like culture its going to be in the downtime, the things that sink into mundane existence will be where balance will emerge from the old order. Don't spend that time in counter productive regret...............